Israel, Marriages and Divorces
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Israel, Marriages and Divorces
428 426 ieraksti
This collection includes marriage and divorce certificate records from Israel, dating from 1919. These records typically include detailed information about the groom and bride, their names, birth year, residence, occupation, and ethnic community. Additionally, the records provide the date and place of the marriage or divorce, as well as the names of the parents of both individuals and the witnesses to the event.<br><br>The documents have been sourced from the Israel State Archives, where they are publicly available. MyHeritage indexed them exclusively to make them easier to find. The material is in Hebrew but MyHeritage's Global Name Translation technology allows searching it in English and other languages.
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Nathan AltermanMarried: Aug 22 1934 - Ramat Gan
Nathan Alterman was born on August 14, 1910, and died on March 28, 1970. He was a prominent Israeli poet, playwright, and journalist born in Warsaw, Poland, when it was part of the Russian Empire. In 1925, his family moved to Tel Aviv, where he completed his studies. Alterman married Rachel Marcus, an actress in the Cameri Theatre, on August 22, 1934. They had one daughter, Tirtza Atar, born in 1941, who later became a poet herself. Alterman was influential in Israel’s literary and political scenes, with his works and translations leaving a lasting impact on Hebrew culture.